In March 2006, after hosting a not unexpected birthday party, I treated myself to a birthday present (no, it wasn’t the One Ring) and flew to New Zealand for Red Carpet Tour’s Lord of the Rings adventure. It was a trip of a lifetime and I made great friends during that two-week tour of Lord of the Rings film locations (and we got to meet people involved in the movies).
I’ve been a big fan of J.R.R. Tolkien since I read The Lord of the Rings in 1983 (and I re-read it every 10 years) and I also love the movies created by Peter Jackson. However, I fell in love with New Zealand even before those movies, mostly because of Xena, the Greenstone and Whale Rider.
Below are my my travelogue published in Science Fiction/San Francisco and my scrapbook of photos from the trip:
Science Fiction/San Francisco: Issue 20 – My Middle Earth Adventure (starts on p. 6)
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